;;; PLT Scheme Inference Collection
;;; Copyright (c) 2006 M. Douglas Williams
;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
;;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
;;; 02111-1307 USA.
;;; Version Date     Comments
;;; 1.0.1   07/17/06 Added association list matching.

(module patterns mzscheme
  (provide (all-defined))
  (require "")
  ;; Wildcard and variables
  ;; wildcard?: any -> boolean
  ;; A predicate function that returns true if its argument is a
  ;; wildcard.
  (define (wildcard? x)
    (eq? x '?))
  ;; variable?: any -> boolean
  ;; A predicate function that returns true if its argument is a
  ;; pattern variable.
  (define (variable? x)
    (and (symbol? x)
         (not (wildcard? x))
         (string=? (substring (symbol->string x) 0 1) "?")))
  ;; Patterns
  ;; pattern?: any -> boolean
  ;; This predicate returns true if its argument is a pattern.
  ;; Patterns are either a list or a vector, with at least one
  ;; element, the first element is a symbol, and the symbol is not a
  ;; wildcard or variable symbol.
  (define (pattern? x)
    (or (and (pair? x)
             (symbol? (car x))
             (not (wildcard? (car x)))
             (not (variable? (car x))))
        (and (vector? x)
             (> (vector-length x) 0)
             (symbol? (vector-ref x 0))
             (not (wildcard? (vector-ref x 0)))
             (not (variable? (vector-ref x 0))))))
  ;; pattern-first: pattern? -> symbol
  ;; This function returns the first element of a pattern, which must be a
  ;; symbol.
  (define (pattern-first pattern)
    (cond ((pair? pattern)
           (car pattern))
          ((vector? pattern)
           (vector-ref pattern 0))))
  ;; pattern-for-each: pattern x procedure
  ;; Iterate over the elements of a pattern passing each element in
  ;; turn to proc.  Note that the tail of an improper list is consid-
  ;; ered an element.
  (define (pattern-for-each pattern proc)
    (cond ((pair? pattern)
           (let loop ((pattern-tail pattern))
             (if (pair? pattern-tail)
                   (proc (car pattern-tail))
                   (loop (cdr pattern-tail)))
                 (if (not (null? pattern-tail))
                     (proc pattern-tail))))
          ((vector? pattern)
           (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
               ((= i (vector-length pattern)) (void))
             (proc (vector-ref pattern i))))))
  ;; pattern-variables: pattern? -> list
  ;; Returns a list of the variables in a pattern.  This does not
  ;; include variables only referenced in constraints.
  (define (pattern-variables pattern)
    (let ((variables '()))
      (pattern-for-each pattern
       (lambda (element)
         (cond ((variable? element)
                (set! variables (cons element variables)))
               ((and (pair? element)
                     (variable? (car element)))
                (set! variables (cons (car element) variables)))
               ((and (pair? element)
                     (or (symbol? (car element))
                         (keyword? (car element)))
                     (variable? (cdr element)))
                (set! variables (cons (cdr element) variables)))
               ((and (pair? element)
                     (or (symbol? (car element))
                         (keyword? (car element)))
                     (pair? (cdr element))
                     (variable? (cadr element)))
                (set! variables (cons (cadr element) variables))))))
      (reverse! variables)))
  ;; Pattern constraints
  ;; classify-constraint: list -> integer
  ;;   0 - no variables
  ;;   1 - local variables only
  ;;   2 - non-local variables
  ;; Recursively examine a constraint and classify it based on the
  ;; locality of its variable references.  The variables argument is
  ;; a list of local (to a pettern) variables.
  (define NO-VARIABLES 0)
  (define LOCAL-VARIABLES 1)
  (define (classify-constraint constraint variables)
    (let ((classification NO-VARIABLES))
       (lambda (element)
         (cond ((variable? element)
                (set! classification
                      (max classification
                           (if (memq element variables)
               ((pair? element)
                (set! classification
                      (max classification
                           (classify-constraint element variables))))))
  ;; pattern-match-constraints: pattern? x list -> list
  ;; Return a list of the match constaints for a pattern.  A match
  ;; constraint does not contain any non-local (to the pattern)
  ;; variables.
  (define (pattern-match-constraints pattern variables)
    (let ((match-constraints '()))
      (pattern-for-each pattern
       (lambda (element)
         (cond ((and (pair? element)
                     (variable? (car element))
                     (< (classify-constraint
                         (cadr element) variables)
                (set! match-constraints
                      (cons (cadr element) match-constraints)))
               ((and (pair? element)
                     (or (symbol? (car element))
                         (keyword? (car element)))
                     (pair? (cdr element))
                     (variable? (cadr element))
                     (< (classify-constraint
                         (caddr element) variables)
                (set! match-constraints
                      (cons (caddr element) match-constraints))))))
      (reverse! match-constraints)))
  ;; pattern-join-constraints: pattern? x list -> list
  ;; Return a list of the join constraints for a pattern.  A join
  ;; constraint contains non-local (to the pattern) variables.
  (define (pattern-join-constraints pattern variables)
    (let ((join-constraints '()))
      (pattern-for-each pattern
       (lambda (element)
         (cond ((and (pair? element)
                     (variable? (car element))
                     (= (classify-constraint
                         (cadr element) variables)
                (set! join-constraints
                      (cons (cadr element) join-constraints)))
               ((and (pair? element)
                     (or (symbol? (car element))
                         (keyword? (car element)))
                     (pair? (cdr element))
                     (variable? (cadr element))
                     (= (classify-constraint
                         (caddr element) variables)
                (set! join-constraints
                      (cons (caddr element) join-constraints))))))
      (reverse! join-constraints)))
  ;; pattern-base-pattern: pattern? -> pattern?
  ;; Return the base pattern for a pattern.  The base pattern is the
  ;; pattern with all of the constraints removed.  It is used by the
  ;; matching (unify) algorithm.
  (define (pattern-base-pattern pattern)
    (cond ((pair? pattern)
           (pattern-base-pattern-list pattern))
          ((vector? pattern)
           (let ((base-pattern (make-vector (vector-length pattern))))
             (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
                 ((= i (vector-length pattern)) base-pattern)
               (let ((element (vector-ref pattern i)))
                 (cond ((and (pair? element)
                             (variable? (car element)))
                        (vector-set! base-pattern i (car element)))
                       ((and (pair? element)
                             (or (symbol? (car element))
                                 (keyword? (car element)))
                             (pair? (cdr element))
                             (variable? (cadr element)))
                        (vector-set! base-pattern i
                                     (cons (car element)
                                           (cadr element))))
                        (vector-set! base-pattern i element)))))))))
  ;; pattern-base-pattern-list: (list-)pattern? -> (list-)pattern?
  ;; Return the base pattern for a list pattern.  This wa easier to
  ;; write recursively.
  (define (pattern-base-pattern-list pattern)
    (cond ((null? pattern)
          ((pair? pattern)
           (let ((element (car pattern)))
             (cond ((and (pair? element)
                         (variable? (car element)))
                    (cons (car element)
                          (pattern-base-pattern-list (cdr pattern))))
                   ((and (pair? element)
                         (or (symbol? (car element))
                             (keyword? (car element)))
                         (pair? (cdr element))
                         (variable? (cadr element)))
                    (cons (cons (car element) (cadr element))
                          (pattern-base-pattern-list (cdr pattern))))
                    (cons element
                          (pattern-base-pattern-list (cdr pattern)))))))
  ;; pattern-substitute: pattern? x bindings? -> pattern?
  ;; Return a new pattern with variable bindings substituted.  This
  ;; should probably only be applied to base patterns.
  (define (pattern-substitute pattern bindings)
    (cond ((pair? pattern)
           (pattern-substitute-list pattern bindings))
          ((vector? pattern)
           (let ((new-pattern (make-vector (vector-length pattern))))
             (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
                 ((= i (vector-length pattern)) new-pattern)
               (vector-set! new-pattern i
                             (vector-ref pattern i) bindings)))))))
  ;; pattern-substitute-list: (list-)pattern? x bindings? ->
  ;;                          (list-)pattern?
  ;; Returns a new list pattern with variable bindings substituted.
  ;; This was also easier to write recursively.  It is also used to
  ;; rewrite vector pattern elements, which are lists.
  (define (pattern-substitute-list pattern bindings)
    (cond ((null? pattern)
          ((pair? pattern)
           (cons (pattern-substitute-list (car pattern) bindings)
                 (pattern-substitute-list (cdr pattern) bindings)))
          ((and (variable? pattern)
                (bindings-bound? bindings pattern))
           (bindings-get bindings pattern))
  ;; Pattern Unification (matching)
  ;; pattern-unify: fact? x pattern? x bindings? -> list
  (define (pattern-unify fact pattern bindings)
;    (printf "fact = ~a; pattern = ~a; bindings = ~a~n"
;            fact pattern bindings)
    (cond ((and (pair? pattern)
                (pair? fact))
           (pattern-unify-list fact pattern bindings #f))
          ((and (vector? pattern)
                (vector? fact))
           (pattern-unify-vector fact pattern bindings))
          ((and (vector? pattern)
                (struct? fact))
           (pattern-unify-vector (struct->vector fact) pattern bindings))
  ;; pattern-unify-list: fact? x pattern? x bindings? -> list
  ;; Unify a fact (list) against a pattern (list) with a set of
  ;; bindings and return either #f, if there is no match, or a
  ;; list of bindings for the match.  The initial call should have
  ;; bindings as '().
  (define (pattern-unify-list fact pattern bindings alist?)
    ;(printf "fact = ~a; pattern = ~a; bindings = ~a; alist? = ~a~n"
    ;        fact pattern bindings alist?)
    (cond ((null? pattern)
           (if (or (null? fact)
          ((null? fact)
          ((pair? pattern)
           (let ((element (car pattern)))
             (cond ((not (pair? fact))
                   ((wildcard? element)
                     (cdr fact) (cdr pattern) bindings #f))
                   ((variable? element)
                    (if (bindings-bound? bindings element)
                        (if (eqv? (bindings-get bindings element)
                                  (car fact))
                             (cdr fact) (cdr pattern) bindings #f)
                         (cdr fact) (cdr pattern)
                         (append bindings
                                  (cons element (car fact)))) #f)))
                   ((and (pair? element)
                         (or (symbol? (car element))
                             (keyword? (car element)))
                         ;(variable? (cdr element))
                    ;(printf "car = ~a; cdr = ~a~n"
                    ;        (car element) (cdr element))
                    (let* ((key (car element))
                           (association (assq key fact)))
                      ;(printf "key = ~a; association = ~a~n"
                      ;        key association)
                      (if association
                          (let ((new-bindings (pattern-unify-list
                                               (cdr association) (cdr element)
                                               bindings #f)))
                            ;(printf "new-bindings = ~a~n" new-bindings)
                            (if new-bindings
                                 fact (cdr pattern) new-bindings #t)
                   ((equal? (car pattern) (car fact))
                     (cdr fact) (cdr pattern) bindings #f))
          ((wildcard? pattern)
          ((variable? pattern)
           (if (bindings-bound? bindings pattern)
               (if (eqv? (bindings-get bindings pattern)
               (append bindings (list (cons pattern fact)))))
          ((eqv? pattern fact)
          (else #f)))
  ;; pattern-unify-vector: fact? x pattern? x bindings? -> list
  ;; Unify a fact (vector) against a pattern (vector) with a set of
  ;; bindings and return either #f, if there is no match, or a
  ;; list of bindings for the match.  The initial call should have
  ;; bindings as '().  This uses pattern-unify-list to match the
  ;; individual vector elements.
  (define (pattern-unify-vector fact pattern bindings)
    (if (>= (vector-length fact)
            (vector-length pattern))
        (let/ec return
          (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
              ((= i (vector-length pattern)) bindings)
            (let ((unified-element (pattern-unify-list
                                    (vector-ref fact i)
                                    (vector-ref pattern i)
                                    bindings #f)))
              (if unified-element
                  (set! bindings unified-element)
                  (return #f)))))