1 A Simple Example

The best way to see what this package does is to test by yourself.

Create a directory "my-package", then create inside this directory a "my-module.ss" file (in plain text, without comment boxes). In this module, create a few simple functions, for example (along with optional textual info):

     #lang scheme


     (provide do-something



     ;[:title Some Functions]


     (define (do-something lst str)

       ;: Does something.

       (printf "I'm doing something"))


     (define (do-something-else ll num) ;:-> number?

       ;: Does something else but not as well.

       (printf "I'm doing something else"))

save this file, and execute it in DrScheme (F5). In the interaction window, evaluate:
  (require (planet orseau/lazy-doc:1:6/package))
Then evaluate:
In the parent directory of "my-package", you have now a ready-to-send package.

You can look at the generated documentation in the "planet-docs" sub-directory (view "index.html" in a Web browser).

You may want to modify the generated "info.ss" file before sending, though.

See the Package Utilities for more details on the possible options when creating packages.

Modules can of course be much more documented while keeping most of the process automatic. See Scribble Definition Parser for documenting source files. You can create several module files in the root directory of your package, all will be automatically included and documented (an exception list be given).