1 Exception utilities
2 Number utilities
3 String utilities
4 Bytes utilities
5 Symbol utilities
6 List utilities
7 PLT 4x hash utilities
8 PLT 3x hash utilities
9 Contract utilities
10 File and path utilities
11 Parameter utilities
12 Syntax utilities
13 SRFI19 time utilities
14 Generators
15 Generators (short names)
16 Pipelines
17 Write-through cache
18 Yieldable procedures
19 Debugging tools
20 Profiling tools
21 Logging tools
On this page:
bytes+ false?


4 Bytes utilities

 (require (planet untyped/unlib/bytes))

Useful bytes utilities.

(bytes+false? item)  boolean?

  item : any

Returns #t if item is a bytes and #f otherwise.

(ensure-bytes item)  any

  item : any

Converts string arguments to bytes: passes all other arguments straight through.