1 Exception utilities
2 Number utilities
3 String utilities
4 Bytes utilities
5 Symbol utilities
6 List utilities
7 PLT 4x hash utilities
8 PLT 3x hash utilities
9 Contract utilities
10 File and path utilities
11 Parameter utilities
12 Syntax utilities
13 SRFI19 time utilities
14 Generators
15 Generators (short names)
16 Pipelines
17 Write-through cache
18 Yieldable procedures
19 Debugging tools
20 Profiling tools
21 Logging tools
On this page:


18 Yieldable procedures

 (require (planet untyped/unlib/yield))

Implements the "yield" operator of Ruby / Python using continuations. The "yield" command pauses the execution of a procedure and returns a result. Execution continues from the same point in the next invocation of the procedure (rather from the beginning of the procedure as usual).

Supports procedures with multiple arguments and return types.


  > (define calc


       (lambda (yield)

         (lambda (a b)

           (define-values (c d)

             (yield a b))

           (values (* c 2) (* d 2))))))

  > (calc 1 2)



  > (calc 1 2)



(make-yieldable yield->proc)  target-proc

  yield->proc : (yield-proc -> target-proc)

Creates a target procedure that can use yield-proc to suspend operation. yield-proc and target-proc have symmetric contracts:

yield-proc : a b c -> d e

target-proc : d e -> a b c

(yieldable yield-id expr ...)

A syntactic form of make-yieldable that avoids writing so many lambdas.


  > (define calc

      (yieldable yield

        (lambda (a b)

          (define-values (c d)

            (yield a b))

          (values (* c 2) (* d 2)))))

  > (calc 1 2)



  > (calc 1 2)

