1 Exception utilities
2 Number utilities
3 String utilities
4 Bytes utilities
5 Symbol utilities
6 List utilities
7 PLT 4x hash utilities
8 PLT 3x hash utilities
9 Contract utilities
10 File and path utilities
11 Parameter utilities
12 Syntax utilities
13 SRFI19 time utilities
14 Generators
15 Generators (short names)
16 Pipelines
17 Write-through cache
18 Yieldable procedures
19 Debugging tools
20 Profiling tools
21 Logging tools
On this page:
begin-for-syntax/ any-order


12 Syntax utilities

 (require (planet untyped/unlib/syntax))

Utilities for creating macros and working with syntax.

(symbolic-identifier=? stx1 stx2)  boolean?

  stx1 : syntax?

  stx2 : syntax?

Compares two identifiers based on their symbolic representation.

(make-id stx arg ...)  syntax?

  stx : (U syntax? #f)

  arg : (U syntax? string? symbol? number?)

Creates an identifier by appending args. Equivalent to:

  (datum->syntax stx (string->symbol (apply string-append (map arg->string args))))

where arg->string converts an argument to a string.

(begin-for-syntax/any-order definition ...)






(define (id arg ...) expr ...)





(define id expr)

Like begin-for-syntax except that definitions can refer to previous definitions in the manner of a letrec statement. Only definitions are allowed within the body of the form.