{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (393 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (301 - 393 of 393)

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Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#110 fix representation of arrays dherman/javascript.plt closed defect blocker dherman 10/24/08
#50 direct eval should inherit lexical environment dherman/javascript.plt closed defect critical dherman 10/20/08
#51 direct eval should allow introducing bindings dherman/javascript.plt closed defect critical dherman 10/20/08
#97 refactor implementation of environments dherman/javascript.plt closed task critical dherman 10/20/08
#100 mutating with-bindings doesn't stick dherman/javascript.plt closed defect critical dherman 10/20/08
#103 Incompatible file path separators in the documentation williams/science.plt closed defect trivial williams 10/16/08
#99 add an expansion phase to the compiler dherman/javascript.plt new task major dherman 10/11/08
#39 regular expressions aren't implemented dherman/javascript.plt new task minor dherman 10/05/08
#43 export sexp utilities dherman/javascript.plt closed task major dherman 10/05/08
#36 implement JavaScript library fully dherman/javascript.plt new task minor dherman 10/05/08
#38 numbers are unfaithful to spec dherman/javascript.plt new defect minor dherman 10/05/08
#79 Home Insurance _default-component closed defect major robby 10/05/08
#96 Possible incorrect expression precedences for DotReference, BracketReference and CallExpression dherman/javascript.plt closed defect major dherman 10/04/08
#95 make a csv-reader that takes in an input-port neil/csv.plt new enhancement minor neil 10/01/08
#94 arguments object isn't initialized dherman/javascript.plt closed defect major dherman 09/30/08
#93 term=? predicate dherman/javascript.plt closed defect critical dherman 09/30/08
#92 main.ss doesn't export config.ss or ast.ss dherman/javascript.plt closed defect critical dherman 09/30/08
#91 make AST types prefab dherman/javascript.plt closed enhancement critical dherman 09/30/08
#90 expose sexp syntax dherman/javascript.plt closed enhancement critical dherman 09/30/08
#82 Provide format-substatement and format-map from print.ss dherman/javascript.plt closed defect critical dherman 09/30/08
#8 bad parenthesization in pretty-printing dherman/javascript.plt closed defect major dherman 09/29/08
#83 Testing equality of AST structures dherman/javascript.plt closed defect major dherman 09/28/08
#89 sexp syntax: for-in should fault on wrong number of variables dherman/javascript.plt closed defect major dherman 09/28/08
#84 Incorrect rendering of for-in blocks dherman/javascript.plt closed defect major dherman 09/28/08
#88 allow page width of #f dherman/pprint.plt closed enhancement major dherman 09/28/08
#87 Incompatible with mzscheme 4+ daedalus/prometheus.plt new defect major daedalus 09/27/08
#85 New official version of LeftParen released; please remove this version from PLaneT fjl/leftparen.plt closed task critical robby 09/26/08
#59 Hello world example fails vegashacker/leftparen.plt closed defect major vegashacker 09/26/08
#81 make prophecies sequences dherman/prophecy.plt new enhancement major dherman 09/23/08
#58 None neil/csv.plt closed enhancement critical robby 09/22/08
#78 None lshift/xxexpr.plt closed task critical robby 09/22/08
#72 None cobbe/environment.plt closed task major robby 09/22/08
#69 None dherman/csv-write.plt closed task minor robby 09/22/08
#75 None neil/htmlprag.plt closed task trivial robby 09/22/08
#65 PLeuozNvH soegaard/web.plt closed defect trivial soegaard 09/19/08
#64 PLeuozNvH soegaard/web.plt closed defect trivial soegaard 09/19/08
#63 PLeuozNvH soegaard/web.plt closed defect trivial soegaard 09/19/08
#62 PLeuozNvH soegaard/web.plt closed defect trivial soegaard 09/19/08
#61 PLeuozNvH soegaard/web.plt closed defect trivial soegaard 09/19/08
#66 PLeuozNvH soegaard/web.plt closed defect trivial soegaard 09/19/08
#60 Error message on loading Schemeunit GUI schematics/schemeunit.plt closed defect major schematics 09/18/08
#67 module-path? contract broken untyped/instaservlet.plt closed defect major untyped 09/17/08
#55 let declarations in "for" head dherman/javascript.plt closed task major dherman 09/10/08
#56 parameter for top-level let semantics dherman/javascript.plt new enhancement major dherman 09/10/08
#53 implement JS 1.7 let-expressions dherman/javascript.plt closed task major dherman 09/10/08
#52 implement JS 1.7 let-declarations dherman/javascript.plt closed task major dherman 09/10/08
#54 "use lexical scope" pragma dherman/javascript.plt new task major dherman 09/09/08
#42 update tests for PLT v4 dherman/javascript.plt closed task major dherman 09/09/08
#45 config.ss is broken because of pseudo-parameter/c dherman/javascript.plt closed defect major dherman 09/09/08
#47 declare-exporting should also include main.ss dherman/javascript.plt closed task trivial dherman 09/09/08
#49 object-name wrong for (pseudo-parameter/c ... -> ...) dherman/parameter.plt closed defect minor dherman 09/09/08
#48 pseudo-parameter/c still borked for higher-order contracts dherman/parameter.plt closed defect major dherman 09/09/08
#44 pseudo-parameter/c is borked dherman/parameter.plt closed defect major dherman 09/09/08
#46 use scheme/runtime-path for in-current-directory dherman/test.plt closed defect major dherman 09/08/08
#9 compile errors dherman/javascript.plt closed defect blocker dherman 09/08/08
#6 compile errors dherman/javascript.plt closed defect blocker dherman 09/08/08
#41 implement read-only __proto__ dherman/javascript.plt new enhancement minor dherman 09/08/08
#40 over-parenthesization in while-conditions dherman/javascript.plt new defect minor dherman 09/08/08
#35 possible semantic issues with exceptions dherman/javascript.plt new defect major dherman 09/08/08
#34 Function.prototype.toString should produce source dherman/javascript.plt new enhancement major dherman 09/08/08
#4 xhtml using obsolete web-server library dherman/xhtml.plt closed defect blocker dherman 09/03/08
#33 make-filter-input-port hopelessly broken dherman/io.plt new defect major dherman 09/03/08
#17 update tests for new schemeunit dherman/io.plt closed defect major dherman 09/03/08
#28 Ancient version of SchemeUnit causes errors and embarassment! dherman/io.plt closed defect major dherman 09/03/08
#16 update tests for new schemeunit dherman/memoize.plt closed defect major dherman 09/03/08
#14 eq/equal on multiple args dherman/memoize.plt closed defect major dherman 09/03/08
#32 optional and keyword args dherman/memoize.plt new enhancement major dherman 09/03/08
#12 update for v4 dherman/memoize.plt closed defect blocker dherman 09/03/08
#31 make sets sequences dherman/set.plt new enhancement major dherman 09/03/08
#30 update 3xx memoize for SchemeUnit 2 dherman/memoize.plt closed defect minor dherman 09/03/08
#15 define/memo fails on multiple args dherman/memoize.plt closed defect critical dherman 09/03/08
#29 memoization is not thread-safe dherman/memoize.plt new enhancement major dherman 09/03/08
#11 exponential blow-up dherman/pprint.plt closed defect major dherman 09/02/08
#10 layout not backtracking dherman/pprint.plt closed defect critical dherman 09/02/08
#27 Testing soegaard/gzip.plt closed defect trivial soegaard 08/29/08
#1 Test ticket soegaard/control.plt closed defect trivial soegaard 08/29/08
#26 drscheme:tool-exports^ signature change in 369 dherman/javascript.plt closed defect major dherman 08/28/08
#25 make-response/xhtml/full dherman/xhtml.plt new enhancement major dherman 08/28/08
#24 unbound variable dherman/tail.plt closed defect critical dherman 08/28/08
#23 bad variable reference dherman/javascript.plt closed defect blocker dherman 08/28/08
#22 stream-partition unusable dherman/stream.plt new defect major dherman 08/28/08
#18 stream-split-at dherman/stream.plt new defect major dherman 08/28/08
#13 support for v3 and v4 dherman/struct.plt new defect major dherman 08/28/08
#7 compile error dherman/list.plt closed defect blocker dherman 08/28/08
#5 API requests dherman/set.plt new enhancement major dherman 08/28/08
#3 fmt uses set-cdr! ashinn/fmt.plt new defect major ashinn 08/28/08
#2 sample bug eli/sample-teachpacks.plt new defect major eli 08/28/08

some (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1789 Adding support for a testing ticket status asumu/taglib.plt new enhancement major asumu 01/30/14
#310 Cigar Site bzlib/flexer.plt new defect minor bzlib 05/22/11
#287 an idea williams/packed-binary.plt closed wontfix enhancement trivial williams 12/16/10
#316 2 Dima_/Tray.plt closed invalid defect trivial Dima_ 12/11/10
#290 compile: unbound identifier in module _default-component new enhancement major robby 07/09/10
#279 Research dvanhorn/snake.plt closed invalid task major dvanhorn 05/20/10
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