{3} Active Tickets by Milestone (162 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (101 - 162 of 162)

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Milestone (59 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#277 World object doesn't export get-objects kazzmir/allegro.plt enhancement kazzmir new 04/03/10
#297 enhance define-datatype to handle #:property prop:equal+hash dherman/types.plt enhancement dherman new 09/09/10
#319 current-print is inactive neil/sicp.plt enhancement neil new 01/24/11
#500 Request for adding parser combinator "zero" bzlib/parseq.plt enhancement bzlib new 12/14/12
#505 Implicit passing of monad argument toups/functional.plt enhancement toups new 01/02/13
#506 Get and put toups/functional.plt enhancement toups new 01/02/13
#54 "use lexical scope" pragma dherman/javascript.plt task dherman new 09/09/08
#99 add an expansion phase to the compiler dherman/javascript.plt task dherman new 10/11/08
#121 test infrastructure for different compilation modes dherman/javascript.plt task dherman new 11/07/08
#122 coverage for compiler tests dherman/javascript.plt task dherman new 11/07/08
#281 Please consider using development links. ocorcoll/beanscheme.plt task ocorcoll new 04/20/10
#38 numbers are unfaithful to spec dherman/javascript.plt defect dherman new 09/08/08
#40 over-parenthesization in while-conditions dherman/javascript.plt defect dherman new 09/08/08
#125 Docs link unavailable; .DS_Store file unnecessary zitterbewegung/uuid-v4.plt defect zitterbewegung new 11/10/08
#181 example from docs declares IDistributeLists as a module cce/dracula.plt defect cce new 05/28/09
#185 Modular ACL2 reacts poorly to mixing of "code" and exports cce/dracula.plt defect cce new 06/01/09
#194 problem including this file from planeT synx/xml-maker.plt defect synx new 07/26/09
#218 ^M end-of-lines orseau/lazy-doc.plt defect orseau new 10/29/09
#258 bogon in docs dherman/javascript.plt defect dherman new 02/09/10
#274 mzsocket fails to install cleanly on OS X (10.5 and 10.6) vyzo/socket.plt defect vyzo new 03/28/10
#303 xpath-parser.ss problem w/ abbreviated xpath syntax lizorkin/sxml.plt defect lizorkin new 10/14/10
#309 Parsing bug discovered neil/htmlprag.plt defect neil new 11/15/10
#327 require error on installing cce/fasttest.plt defect cce new 03/15/11
#329 Frequency counting benchmark hash-for-each bug dvanhorn/ralist.plt defect dvanhorn new 04/23/11
#366 Revision to previous ticket kazzmir/vi.plt defect kazzmir new 10/13/11
#488 Empty file reports wrong error dherman/json.plt defect dherman new 10/29/12
#499 "not a procedure" problem on Windows clements/rsound.plt defect clements new 12/10/12
#41 implement read-only __proto__ dherman/javascript.plt enhancement dherman new 09/08/08
#95 make a csv-reader that takes in an input-port neil/csv.plt enhancement neil new 10/01/08
#124 rename require.ss to main.ss ryanc/require.plt enhancement ryanc new 11/09/08
#236 pict-* from scheme/slideshow should combine in the order of the clauses cce/scheme.plt enhancement cce new 12/03/09
#275 please convert comments in xml file to *COMMENT* sxml nodes lizorkin/ssax.plt enhancement lizorkin new 03/31/10
#298 Better error messages for accessors krhari/pfds.plt enhancement krhari new 09/12/10
#436 Reg Fixers bzlib/date-tz.plt enhancement bzlib new 05/31/12
#1803 Have you thought about moving this to MELPA? (EOM) neil/scribble-emacs.plt enhancement neil new 09/19/15
#36 implement JavaScript library fully dherman/javascript.plt task dherman new 09/08/08
#39 regular expressions aren't implemented dherman/javascript.plt task dherman new 09/08/08
#176 same name as another planet package - confusing version numbering fjl/leftparen.plt task fjl new 05/12/09
#195 prime? of neg. number doesn't end soegaard/math.plt defect soegaard new 08/01/09
#313 Documentation bug: Incorrect SCRBL markup dutchyn/aspectscheme.plt defect dutchyn new 12/04/10
#322 Racket v5.1 for/vector wmfarr/simple-matrix.plt enhancement wmfarr new 02/23/11
#414 Support vectors dherman/json.plt enhancement dherman new 03/08/12
#1535 `prime?' function does not check if x < 2. djhaskin987/miller-rabin.plt enhancement djhaskin987 new 10/14/13
#179 c.plt fails to install correctly dherman/c.plt defect dherman needinfo 05/15/09
#1488 ZeroMQ integration with Racket 5.3.2 on Windows broken in FFI-lib jaymccarthy/zeromq.plt defect jaymccarthy needinfo 09/17/13
#104 setup fails on hash store; hash-store.plt/1/4/hash-store.ss:9:3: expand: unbound identifier in module in: base64-filename-safe jaymccarthy/hash-store.plt defect eli assigned 10/15/08
#164 Pressing end causes error divascheme/divascheme.plt defect dyoo assigned 04/06/09
#165 Pressing unicode in command mode causes insertion divascheme/divascheme.plt defect dyoo assigned 04/06/09
#197 Warnings and a crash while installing on Windows schematics/sake.plt defect schematics assigned 08/13/09
#211 Depends on Schemeunit 1:2, which doesn't compile schematics/password.plt defect schematics assigned 10/22/09
#328 claims to install successfully, but doesn't seem to actually work divascheme/divascheme.plt defect dyoo assigned 04/23/11
#241 f4 toggle menu item does not show keyboard shortcut divascheme/divascheme.plt enhancement dyoo assigned 12/29/09
#130 Use of set-cdr! untyped/delicious.plt defect untyped accepted 11/23/08
#137 Doesn't work in Current Version of PLT untyped/delicious.plt defect untyped accepted 12/16/08
#207 Sudoku example doesn't work williams/inference.plt defect williams accepted 09/30/09
#160 Port to typed-scheme schematics/schemeunit.plt enhancement schematics accepted 03/25/09
#330 Unable to create unique indices jaymccarthy/mongodb.plt enhancement jaymccarthy accepted 04/27/11
#156 test-suite semantics change makes my code infinite loop schematics/schemeunit.plt task schematics accepted 03/19/09
#238 note that you need to restart DrScheme after (require ...)-ing the projectmgr spdegabrielle/projectmgr.plt task spdegabrielle accepted 12/23/09

Milestone some (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#290 compile: unbound identifier in module _default-component enhancement robby new 07/09/10
#1789 Adding support for a testing ticket status asumu/taglib.plt enhancement asumu new 01/30/14
#310 Cigar Site bzlib/flexer.plt defect bzlib new 11/19/10
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