{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (393 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (101 - 200 of 393)

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Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#331 Struct creation failure leaves orphan document in collection jaymccarthy/mongodb.plt closed invalid defect major jaymccarthy 04/30/11
#330 Unable to create unique indices jaymccarthy/mongodb.plt accepted enhancement major jaymccarthy 04/30/11
#329 Frequency counting benchmark hash-for-each bug dvanhorn/ralist.plt new defect minor dvanhorn 04/23/11
#327 require error on installing cce/fasttest.plt new defect minor cce 03/15/11
#323 (rsound-play ding) does not play in Debian sid clements/rsound.plt new defect major clements 02/25/11
#322 Racket v5.1 for/vector wmfarr/simple-matrix.plt new enhancement trivial wmfarr 02/23/11
#319 current-print is inactive neil/sicp.plt new enhancement major neil 01/24/11
#267 Development version of PLT complains of duplicate definition kazzmir/x11.plt closed fixed defect major kazzmir 12/22/10
#314 no sqlite3_prepare_v2 jaymccarthy/sqlite.plt closed fixed defect major jaymccarthy 12/10/10
#313 Documentation bug: Incorrect SCRBL markup dutchyn/aspectscheme.plt new defect trivial dutchyn 12/04/10
#312 Problem with sound jeeve/dynablaster.plt closed fixed defect major jeeve 12/02/10
#309 Parsing bug discovered neil/htmlprag.plt new defect minor neil 11/15/10
#308 possible race condition on static buffer in HMAC-SHA1 jaymccarthy/hmac-sha1.plt closed wontfix defect minor jaymccarthy 11/13/10
#239 Mistype jaymccarthy/sqlite.plt closed fixed defect trivial jaymccarthy 11/05/10
#222 Failed statements prevent me from closing database jaymccarthy/sqlite.plt closed fixed defect major jaymccarthy 11/05/10
#264 More consistent APIs jaymccarthy/opencl.plt closed wontfix enhancement minor jaymccarthy 11/05/10
#104 setup fails on hash store; hash-store.plt/1/4/hash-store.ss:9:3: expand: unbound identifier in module in: base64-filename-safe jaymccarthy/hash-store.plt assigned defect major eli 11/05/10
#284 clSetKernelArg: No function for seting arg of arbitrary non-pointer type jaymccarthy/opencl.plt closed fixed defect major jaymccarthy 11/05/10
#173 require fails with errors jaymccarthy/sqlite.plt closed invalid defect major jaymccarthy 11/05/10
#306 Index for GeoSpatial Queries jaymccarthy/mongodb.plt closed invalid defect major jaymccarthy 11/05/10
#307 Index for GeoSpatial Queries (fixed report) jaymccarthy/mongodb.plt closed invalid defect major jaymccarthy 11/05/10
#301 Plane Issue krhari/pfds.plt closed invalid defect trivial krhari 10/15/10
#303 xpath-parser.ss problem w/ abbreviated xpath syntax lizorkin/sxml.plt new defect minor lizorkin 10/14/10
#300 Structural equality broken krhari/pfds.plt closed fixed defect major krhari 10/13/10
#296 map not usable in untyped contexts krhari/pfds.plt closed fixed defect major krhari 10/13/10
#302 define/memo doesn't save time for funs of arity > 1 dherman/memoize.plt new defect major dherman 10/09/10
#299 Cannot typecheck (equal? (list) (list)) krhari/pfds.plt new defect major krhari 09/12/10
#298 Better error messages for accessors krhari/pfds.plt new enhancement minor krhari 09/12/10
#297 enhance define-datatype to handle #:property prop:equal+hash dherman/types.plt new enhancement major dherman 09/09/10
#295 Rename `list-length' to `length' krhari/pfds.plt closed fixed defect major krhari 08/29/10
#294 #:limit values other than 1 return the whole collection in mongo-collection-find jaymccarthy/mongodb.plt closed fixed defect minor jaymccarthy 08/25/10
#293 More examples! jaymccarthy/mongodb.plt closed fixed task minor jaymccarthy 08/16/10
#292 png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8 not found while compiling _default-component new defect major robby 08/12/10
#289 MzScheme display doesn't work when stdout is redirected _default-component closed invalid defect critical robby 07/09/10
#286 tick-rate contract jaymccarthy/gl-world.plt closed fixed defect trivial jaymccarthy 06/21/10
#278 quickstart make-post fails jaymccarthy/mongodb.plt closed fixed defect major jaymccarthy 06/21/10
#288 struct should be a define-like keyword _default-component closed invalid defect minor toddobryan 06/20/10
#285 Fails to compile dherman/javascript.plt new defect major dherman 05/27/10
#109 Incompatible with PLT 4.0 neil/htmlprag.plt closed fixed defect major neil 05/25/10
#167 in-ra-list and for/ra-list dvanhorn/ralist.plt closed fixed enhancement minor dvanhorn 05/24/10
#283 incorrect `declare-exporting' dherman/types.plt new defect major dherman 05/05/10
#282 Unable to make 4.2.5 with shared libraries enabled. _default-component new defect major robby 05/04/10
#281 Please consider using development links. ocorcoll/beanscheme.plt new task major ocorcoll 04/20/10
#280 eof error soegaard/bit-io.plt new defect critical soegaard 04/18/10
#268 (choose n m) doesn't work for large numbers (runtime error) williams/science.plt closed fixed defect major williams 04/08/10
#277 World object doesn't export get-objects kazzmir/allegro.plt new enhancement major kazzmir 04/03/10
#276 Start function doesn't allow for changing fps kazzmir/allegro.plt new enhancement major kazzmir 04/01/10
#275 please convert comments in xml file to *COMMENT* sxml nodes lizorkin/ssax.plt new enhancement minor lizorkin 03/31/10
#274 mzsocket fails to install cleanly on OS X (10.5 and 10.6) vyzo/socket.plt new defect minor vyzo 03/28/10
#273 build-path: absolute path kazzmir/planet-manager.plt new defect major kazzmir 03/26/10
#272 incomplete folders kazzmir/planet-manager.plt new defect major kazzmir 03/26/10
#271 permissive? kazzmir/planet-manager.plt new defect major kazzmir 03/26/10
#270 Error in make-hasheq jaymccarthy/mongodb.plt closed fixed defect major jaymccarthy 03/26/10
#269 error "make-hasheq: expects no arguments, given 1" jaymccarthy/mongodb.plt closed invalid defect major jaymccarthy 03/25/10
#262 Towers of Hanoi example in docs have wrong number of disks in output williams/inference.plt closed fixed defect trivial williams 03/07/10
#263 wrong compile-omit-paths entry in info.ss lizorkin/sxml.plt new defect major lizorkin 03/03/10
#256 test cases & contracts in define-type plai/plai.plt closed fixed defect major plai 02/17/10
#261 the mutator language changes the names of procedures plai/plai.plt closed fixed defect major plai 02/17/10
#259 contracts on field selectors use the wrong name plai/plai.plt closed fixed defect major plai 02/16/10
#260 case expands to a free reference to member in the mutator language plai/plai.plt closed fixed defect major plai 02/16/10
#257 "__kernel square" should be "__kernel void square" in test.ss jaymccarthy/opencl.plt closed fixed defect trivial jaymccarthy 02/09/10
#254 #f is passed to clGetPlatformInfo in test.ss jaymccarthy/opencl.plt closed invalid defect minor jaymccarthy 02/09/10
#255 define-type's error message adds extra parens plai/plai.plt closed fixed enhancement minor plai 02/09/10
#258 bogon in docs dherman/javascript.plt new defect minor dherman 02/09/10
#253 values created from define-type structs now print with "make-" prefix plai/plai.plt closed fixed defect major plai 02/08/10
#252 collector language's test/exn doesn't work plai/plai.plt closed invalid defect major plai 02/08/10
#251 Windows platform jaymccarthy/opencl.plt closed fixed enhancement major jaymccarthy 02/05/10
#249 plai gc-gui.ss: move frame show to after panel creation plai/plai.plt closed fixed enhancement minor plai 02/04/10
#250 plai mutator: top-level printouts plai/plai.plt closed fixed defect major plai 02/04/10
#248 mutator internal error (doesn't like literal numbers?) plai/plai.plt closed fixed defect major plai 02/04/10
#247 mutator error message for empty program unclear plai/plai.plt closed fixed defect major plai 02/04/10
#80 testing notification emails robby/bug.plt closed fixed defect major robby 02/03/10
#246 plai signals unbound identifier for a field name plai/plai.plt closed fixed defect major plai 02/01/10
#245 plai:1:9 disallows murec define-types plai/plai.plt closed fixed defect major plai 01/29/10
#244 printign for expected values differs from printing for actual values plai/plai.plt closed fixed defect major plai 01/29/10
#243 define-type doesn't evalute the field contracts soon enough plai/plai.plt closed fixed defect major plai 01/29/10
#208 (string->number x 10) expects string but is getting #<sql-null> jaz/mysql.plt closed fixed defect major jaz 01/06/10
#242 Digest contexts are leaked. soegaard/digest.plt new defect major soegaard 01/02/10
#238 note that you need to restart DrScheme after (require ...)-ing the projectmgr spdegabrielle/projectmgr.plt accepted task minor spdegabrielle 12/29/09
#240 Pack of strings is incorrect. williams/packed-binary.plt closed fixed defect major williams 12/28/09
#223 DLGolaCiJ dyoo/join-forest.plt closed fixed defect major robby 12/28/09
#237 scribble text renderer dies with a type error _default-component new defect major robby 12/16/09
#236 pict-* from scheme/slideshow should combine in the order of the clauses cce/scheme.plt new enhancement minor cce 12/03/09
#235 add name? to staged cce/scheme.plt new defect major cce 12/02/09
#234 slide/stage cce/scheme.plt new defect major cce 12/01/09
#220 warnings from documentation untyped/unlib.plt new defect major untyped 11/15/09
#212 Fails to compile untyped/unlib.plt closed defect major untyped 11/13/09
#219 error on require schematics/benchmark.plt new defect major schematics 11/10/09
#218 ^M end-of-lines orseau/lazy-doc.plt new defect minor orseau 10/29/09
#217 segments->painter return is failing on being passed to paint soegaard/sicp.plt new defect major soegaard 10/27/09
#216 Typo in 3.1.3 Contracts orseau/lazy-doc.plt closed defect trivial orseau 10/24/09
#215 Scribble problems dyoo/moby.plt closed defect major dyoo 10/23/09
#211 Depends on Schemeunit 1:2, which doesn't compile schematics/password.plt assigned defect major schematics 10/23/09
#214 scribble warnings soegaard/galore.plt new defect major soegaard 10/23/09
#210 Fails to compile with 4.2.2 schematics/port.plt new defect major schematics 10/18/09
#209 error: "car: expects argument of type <pair>; given ()" on specific input dherman/c.plt new defect major dherman 10/06/09
#187 magic in XQueryPointer signature kazzmir/x11.plt closed enhancement minor kazzmir 10/02/09
#207 Sudoku example doesn't work williams/inference.plt accepted defect major williams 09/30/09
#206 Scribbe error on build williams/inference.plt closed defect major williams 09/30/09
#205 Scribble error on build williams/table-panel.plt closed defect major williams 09/30/09
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