{2} Active Tickets by Version (162 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (101 - 162 of 162)

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Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#29 memoization is not thread-safe dherman/memoize.plt enhancement dherman new 09/03/08
#32 optional and keyword args dherman/memoize.plt enhancement dherman new 09/03/08
#449 JSON parser incorrectly parses '[' with newline and then ']' dherman/json.plt defect dherman new 07/28/12
#488 Empty file reports wrong error dherman/json.plt defect dherman new 10/29/12
#414 Support vectors dherman/json.plt enhancement dherman new 03/08/12
#129 audit duplicate-variable errors/non-errors dherman/javascript.plt task dherman new 11/22/08
#35 possible semantic issues with exceptions dherman/javascript.plt defect dherman new 09/08/08
#120 binding arrows in DrScheme broken dherman/javascript.plt defect dherman new 11/07/08
#127 errors on initial compile dherman/javascript.plt defect dherman new 11/14/08
#285 Fails to compile dherman/javascript.plt defect dherman new 05/27/10
#34 Function.prototype.toString should produce source dherman/javascript.plt enhancement dherman new 09/08/08
#56 parameter for top-level let semantics dherman/javascript.plt enhancement dherman new 09/10/08
#54 "use lexical scope" pragma dherman/javascript.plt task dherman new 09/09/08
#99 add an expansion phase to the compiler dherman/javascript.plt task dherman new 10/11/08
#121 test infrastructure for different compilation modes dherman/javascript.plt task dherman new 11/07/08
#122 coverage for compiler tests dherman/javascript.plt task dherman new 11/07/08
#38 numbers are unfaithful to spec dherman/javascript.plt defect dherman new 09/08/08
#40 over-parenthesization in while-conditions dherman/javascript.plt defect dherman new 09/08/08
#258 bogon in docs dherman/javascript.plt defect dherman new 02/09/10
#41 implement read-only __proto__ dherman/javascript.plt enhancement dherman new 09/08/08
#36 implement JavaScript library fully dherman/javascript.plt task dherman new 09/08/08
#39 regular expressions aren't implemented dherman/javascript.plt task dherman new 09/08/08
#33 make-filter-input-port hopelessly broken dherman/io.plt defect dherman new 09/03/08
#209 error: "car: expects argument of type <pair>; given ()" on specific input dherman/c.plt defect dherman new 10/06/09
#179 c.plt fails to install correctly dherman/c.plt defect dherman needinfo 05/15/09
#87 Incompatible with mzscheme 4+ daedalus/prometheus.plt defect daedalus new 09/27/08
#323 (rsound-play ding) does not play in Debian sid clements/rsound.plt defect clements new 02/25/11
#499 "not a procedure" problem on Windows clements/rsound.plt defect clements new 12/10/12
#1794 Channel mask should be 0xf instead of 0x7 clements/midi.plt defect clements new 11/16/14
#200 apparent Scribble error during package installation cce/scheme.plt defect cce new 09/07/09
#234 slide/stage cce/scheme.plt defect cce new 12/01/09
#235 add name? to staged cce/scheme.plt defect cce new 12/02/09
#154 schememodlang/this-package + defmodulelang/this-package cce/scheme.plt enhancement cce new 03/17/09
#158 Feature request: lang/this-package cce/scheme.plt enhancement cce new 03/22/09
#236 pict-* from scheme/slideshow should combine in the order of the clauses cce/scheme.plt enhancement cce new 12/03/09
#327 require error on installing cce/fasttest.plt defect cce new 03/15/11
#182 example from docs defines MDistributive module twice (and MDistributeLists not at all) cce/dracula.plt defect cce new 05/28/09
#183 dracula rename export example from reference docs does not work cce/dracula.plt defect cce new 05/28/09
#184 modular acl2 unresolved import problem, useless error message cce/dracula.plt defect cce new 05/28/09
#186 Dracula errors on (just) + or - at REPL cce/dracula.plt defect cce new 06/01/09
#181 example from docs declares IDistributeLists as a module cce/dracula.plt defect cce new 05/28/09
#185 Modular ACL2 reacts poorly to mixing of "code" and exports cce/dracula.plt defect cce new 06/01/09
#500 Request for adding parser combinator "zero" bzlib/parseq.plt enhancement bzlib new 12/14/12
#310 Cigar Site bzlib/flexer.plt defect bzlib new 11/19/10
#436 Reg Fixers bzlib/date-tz.plt enhancement bzlib new 05/31/12
#338 Error with Racket 5.1.2 and bzlib bzlib/base.plt defect bzlib new 08/06/11
#1789 Adding support for a testing ticket status asumu/taglib.plt enhancement asumu new 01/30/14
#204 Parsing of missing closing HTML tags duplicates HTML elements ashinn/html-parser.plt defect ashinn new 09/29/09
#487 i need rosetta aml/rosetta.plt defect aml new 10/28/12
#177 First line blank -> broken indenting abromfie/drocaml.plt defect abromfie new 05/13/09
#332 Looks like this language extension is broken on latest version of Racket and PLT-Scheme abromfie/drocaml.plt defect abromfie new 05/03/11
#237 scribble text renderer dies with a type error _default-component defect robby new 12/16/09
#282 Unable to make 4.2.5 with shared libraries enabled. _default-component defect robby new 05/04/10
#292 png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8 not found while compiling _default-component defect robby new 08/12/10
#290 compile: unbound identifier in module _default-component enhancement robby new 07/09/10
#2 sample bug eli/sample-teachpacks.plt defect eli new 08/28/08
#25 make-response/xhtml/full dherman/xhtml.plt enhancement dherman new 08/28/08
#13 support for v3 and v4 dherman/struct.plt defect dherman new 08/28/08
#18 stream-split-at dherman/stream.plt defect dherman new 08/28/08
#22 stream-partition unusable dherman/stream.plt defect dherman new 08/28/08
#5 API requests dherman/set.plt enhancement dherman new 08/28/08
#3 fmt uses set-cdr! ashinn/fmt.plt defect ashinn new 08/28/08
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