{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (393 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (101 - 200 of 393)

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Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#507 Font lock doesn't work for subsubsubsection neil/scribble-emacs.plt new defect major neil 01/24/13
#518 Doesnt' run kazzmir/planet-manager.plt new defect major kazzmir 03/23/13
#534 Fixing the test files shawnpresser/racket-unix-sockets.plt new defect major shawnpresser 04/17/13
#539 Problem installing Whalesong dyoo/whalesong.plt new defect major dyoo 05/15/13
#1114 Bad typecheck in map, foldl, foldr krhari/pfds.plt new defect major krhari 07/06/13
#1462 transform-painter fails on non-rectangle configuration soegaard/sicp.plt new defect major soegaard 08/10/13
#1790 charterm event not ready when bytes are available neil/charterm.plt new defect major neil 09/07/14
#1791 charterm event not ready when bytes are available neil/charterm.plt new defect major neil 09/07/14
#1792 charterm event not ready when bytes are available neil/charterm.plt new defect major neil 09/07/14
#1794 Channel mask should be 0xf instead of 0x7 clements/midi.plt new defect major clements 11/16/14
#1802 Scribble Emacs Mode Installation Issue. neil/scribble-emacs.plt new defect major neil 09/18/15
#36 implement JavaScript library fully dherman/javascript.plt new task minor dherman 10/05/08
#38 numbers are unfaithful to spec dherman/javascript.plt new defect minor dherman 10/05/08
#39 regular expressions aren't implemented dherman/javascript.plt new task minor dherman 10/05/08
#40 over-parenthesization in while-conditions dherman/javascript.plt new defect minor dherman 09/08/08
#41 implement read-only __proto__ dherman/javascript.plt new enhancement minor dherman 09/08/08
#95 make a csv-reader that takes in an input-port neil/csv.plt new enhancement minor neil 10/01/08
#124 rename require.ss to main.ss ryanc/require.plt new enhancement minor ryanc 11/09/08
#125 Docs link unavailable; .DS_Store file unnecessary zitterbewegung/uuid-v4.plt new defect minor zitterbewegung 11/10/08
#176 same name as another planet package - confusing version numbering fjl/leftparen.plt new task minor fjl 05/12/09
#181 example from docs declares IDistributeLists as a module cce/dracula.plt new defect minor cce 05/28/09
#185 Modular ACL2 reacts poorly to mixing of "code" and exports cce/dracula.plt new defect minor cce 06/01/09
#194 problem including this file from planeT synx/xml-maker.plt new defect minor synx 07/26/09
#218 ^M end-of-lines orseau/lazy-doc.plt new defect minor orseau 10/29/09
#236 pict-* from scheme/slideshow should combine in the order of the clauses cce/scheme.plt new enhancement minor cce 12/03/09
#258 bogon in docs dherman/javascript.plt new defect minor dherman 02/09/10
#274 mzsocket fails to install cleanly on OS X (10.5 and 10.6) vyzo/socket.plt new defect minor vyzo 03/28/10
#275 please convert comments in xml file to *COMMENT* sxml nodes lizorkin/ssax.plt new enhancement minor lizorkin 03/31/10
#298 Better error messages for accessors krhari/pfds.plt new enhancement minor krhari 09/12/10
#303 xpath-parser.ss problem w/ abbreviated xpath syntax lizorkin/sxml.plt new defect minor lizorkin 10/14/10
#309 Parsing bug discovered neil/htmlprag.plt new defect minor neil 11/15/10
#327 require error on installing cce/fasttest.plt new defect minor cce 03/15/11
#329 Frequency counting benchmark hash-for-each bug dvanhorn/ralist.plt new defect minor dvanhorn 04/23/11
#366 Revision to previous ticket kazzmir/vi.plt new defect minor kazzmir 10/14/11
#436 Reg Fixers bzlib/date-tz.plt new enhancement minor bzlib 05/31/12
#488 Empty file reports wrong error dherman/json.plt new defect minor dherman 10/29/12
#499 "not a procedure" problem on Windows clements/rsound.plt new defect minor clements 12/10/12
#1803 Have you thought about moving this to MELPA? (EOM) neil/scribble-emacs.plt new enhancement minor neil 09/19/15
#195 prime? of neg. number doesn't end soegaard/math.plt new defect trivial soegaard 08/01/09
#313 Documentation bug: Incorrect SCRBL markup dutchyn/aspectscheme.plt new defect trivial dutchyn 12/04/10
#322 Racket v5.1 for/vector wmfarr/simple-matrix.plt new enhancement trivial wmfarr 02/23/11
#414 Support vectors dherman/json.plt new enhancement trivial dherman 03/08/12
#1535 `prime?' function does not check if x < 2. djhaskin987/miller-rabin.plt new enhancement trivial djhaskin987 10/14/13
#179 c.plt fails to install correctly dherman/c.plt needinfo defect minor dherman 05/17/09
#1488 ZeroMQ integration with Racket 5.3.2 on Windows broken in FFI-lib jaymccarthy/zeromq.plt needinfo defect minor jaymccarthy 09/18/13
#1797 contract violation in merge example esilkensen/yaml.plt closed fixed defect major esilkensen 03/29/15
#1798 document error in value example esilkensen/yaml.plt closed invalid defect major esilkensen 03/29/15
#1799 document error in null example esilkensen/yaml.plt closed invalid defect major esilkensen 03/29/15
#1793 unexpected result when parsing YAML file esilkensen/yaml.plt closed invalid defect major esilkensen 03/26/15
#1796 Protocol Buffers two deserializes murphy/protobuf.plt closed wontfix defect major murphy 01/28/15
#1795 Protocol Buffers murphy/protobuf.plt closed wontfix defect major murphy 01/27/15
#1624 could not determine a constructor for the tag tag:yaml.org,2002:merge esilkensen/yaml.plt closed fixed defect major esilkensen 03/01/14
#1622 string->yaml: broke its contract esilkensen/yaml.plt closed fixed defect major esilkensen 03/01/14
#1623 string: contract violation expected: char? given: #<eof> esilkensen/yaml.plt closed fixed defect major esilkensen 03/01/14
#1621 cannot hande "..." esilkensen/yaml.plt closed fixed defect major esilkensen 02/28/14
#1619 (string->yaml "a:") throws a non-scanner-error esilkensen/yaml.plt closed fixed defect major esilkensen 02/28/14
#1620 doesn't recognize octal number esilkensen/yaml.plt closed fixed defect major esilkensen 02/28/14
#1519 generate-racket can't work on windows [2] murphy/protobuf.plt closed fixed defect major murphy 10/12/13
#504 keyword #:limit of function mongo-collection-find doesn't work jaymccarthy/mongodb.plt closed invalid defect major jaymccarthy 12/18/12
#491 tabexpand is too awesome neil/tabexpand.plt closed fixed enhancement trivial neil 11/28/12
#430 works only for small integers. djhaskin987/miller-rabin.plt closed worksforme defect major djhaskin987 11/23/12
#480 segfault when failing to clean up database connections ryanc/db.plt closed fixed defect major ryanc 10/25/12
#460 (open ...) should accept a string jaymccarthy/sqlite.plt closed wontfix defect major jaymccarthy 08/07/12
#446 Crashes when using text-fields without label williams/table-panel.plt closed fixed defect major williams 07/20/12
#439 Package description doesn't load pjmatos/logic.plt closed invalid defect major pjmatos 07/07/12
#425 procedure application: expected procedure, received #<pict> jaymccarthy/slideshow-latex.plt closed fixed defect critical jaymccarthy 05/28/12
#418 The show signatures menu item shows an error message orseau/script-plugin.plt closed fixed defect major orseau 04/28/12
#416 New scripts doesn't show up after updating orseau/script-plugin.plt closed fixed task major orseau 04/28/12
#417 Documentation bug orseau/script-plugin.plt closed fixed defect major orseau 04/27/12
#419 Test orseau/script-plugin.plt closed invalid defect major orseau 04/27/12
#413 Querying malformed ObjectId fails to return jaymccarthy/mongodb.plt closed fixed defect trivial jaymccarthy 03/12/12
#291 skip whitespace dherman/json.plt closed fixed defect major dherman 02/07/12
#141 doesn't parse a lone number dherman/json.plt closed fixed defect major dherman 02/07/12
#21 can't parse non-natural numbers dherman/json.plt closed fixed defect major dherman 02/07/12
#317 Number parsing bugs dherman/json.plt closed fixed defect blocker dherman 02/07/12
#265 read-json can't parse negative numbers. dherman/json.plt closed fixed defect blocker dherman 02/07/12
#407 Racket identifiers not recognized asumu/sweet.plt closed fixed defect major asumu 01/28/12
#334 Play nice with Check Syntax asumu/sweet.plt closed fixed enhancement major asumu 11/15/11
#364 insert-new-line-previous doesn't work kazzmir/vi.plt closed invalid defect minor kazzmir 10/14/11
#347 Documentation uses quartile instead of quantile williams/science.plt closed fixed defect minor williams 08/29/11
#346 Three operands to unsafe-fl* in statistics.rkt williams/science.plt closed fixed defect critical williams 08/29/11
#336 MzScheme not running on OS X 10.6.8+10.7/MBP Early 2011 (Sandy Bridge) Dima_/Tray.plt closed invalid defect major Dima_ 08/22/11
#343 file not found error ".../collects/unstable/planet.rkt" jaymccarthy/c.plt closed fixed defect critical jaymccarthy 08/22/11
#221 scribble warnings williams/science.plt closed fixed defect major williams 08/21/11
#341 ryanc/db 1.3 reports warnings on installation ryanc/db.plt closed fixed defect major ryanc 08/14/11
#318 test Dima_/Tray.plt closed invalid defect major Dima_ 08/11/11
#342 Probiotics Side Effects scoops Dima_/Tray.plt closed invalid defect major Dima_ 08/11/11
#213 scribble warnings dyoo/version-case.plt closed fixed defect major dyoo 08/10/11
#335 Better error messages asumu/sweet.plt closed fixed defect major asumu 08/04/11
#193 Does not load without errors dyoo/simply-scheme.plt closed worksforme defect major dyoo 06/22/11
#326 unbound identifier in module dyoo/js-vm.plt closed fixed defect major dyoo 05/22/11
#305 spgsql erroneously believes that sockets are not supported on 64-bit Linux machines schematics/spgsql.plt closed fixed defect major schematics 05/16/11
#333 Type Predicate For Connection - Typed/Racket schematics/spgsql.plt closed wontfix enhancement minor ryanc 05/16/11
#321 compile: unbound identifier error when using neil/sicp with DrRacket 5.1. neil/sicp.plt closed worksforme defect critical neil 05/02/11
#331 Struct creation failure leaves orphan document in collection jaymccarthy/mongodb.plt closed invalid defect major jaymccarthy 04/30/11
#267 Development version of PLT complains of duplicate definition kazzmir/x11.plt closed fixed defect major kazzmir 12/22/10
#314 no sqlite3_prepare_v2 jaymccarthy/sqlite.plt closed fixed defect major jaymccarthy 12/10/10
#312 Problem with sound jeeve/dynablaster.plt closed fixed defect major jeeve 12/02/10
#308 possible race condition on static buffer in HMAC-SHA1 jaymccarthy/hmac-sha1.plt closed wontfix defect minor jaymccarthy 11/13/10
#239 Mistype jaymccarthy/sqlite.plt closed fixed defect trivial jaymccarthy 11/05/10
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